The GT-R series from Nissan is perhaps the most successful within the Japanese model lineup, each sports car coming with sheer performance under the hood, advanced aerodynamics and evolutionary design.
However, in the hands of tuners, the GT-R becomes even wilder, a real savage that can tackle any well-known supercars from Lamborghini, Ferrari or McLaren; particularly if such a car gets in the hands of specialists from WheelsAndMore.
WheelsandMore are from Japan as well, and are extremely appreciated in the entire world for their insane power upgrades and wide aero kits. This time, the program involving a GT-R has been called “Crankzilla” and consists of some new engineering components, new wheels and graphics, and no less than five stages of power that are described below.
In stock form, the Nissan GT-R comes with an extremely aggressive design, which makes it perfect for enhanced customizations. In this case, the engineers have added just a few touches here and there. The exterior`s strong point is the new set of wheels. We are dealing here with a three-piece F.I.W.E alloys sized 9.5 x 21 inches and 11.0 x 21 inches front and rear, respectively. They are also wrapped in 255/31/21 and 295/30/21 Continental tires. Add the KW height-adjustable lowering springs and you have an extremely stable GT-R.
At the rear end, the Nissan GT-R ‘Crankzilla’ has also received a valve flap exhaust system with optional catalytic converters which increases the car`s engine note and announces a power upgrade. Speaking of which, you can find below the five stages of power available for this particular car.
Nissan GT-R – Stages of Power Upgrades:
Stage I: Through optimized software and a F1 air filter kit Wheelsandmore generates 605hp and 700nm out of the 2017 GTR engine.
Stage 2: In combination with sports catalysts, the tuner achieves 630hp and 800Nm of torque
Stage 3: Combined with modified exhaust system and catalyst replacement pipes the tuner measured 650hp and tight 830Nm of torque.
Stage 4: In addition to Stage3, the turbochargers are replaced, other wastegate cans and more powerful gasoline pumps were installed. With sports catalysts and adaptation of the transmission control approximately 700hp and 850Nm were measured.
Stage 5 – CrankZilla – As in Stage 4 but with catalyst replacement tubes and with the appropriate software finally 740hp and 900nm were gained.